For The Love of Stickers

Mia LOVES stickers - all kinds - no choosiness about this subject.  It's a big day when Nana sends some.

Momma take my picture - oooh let me see - ok one more time

Her bike received a sticker makeover.  The stickers just happened to be sparkly.
 Funny face.  Her hair is pulled back - sticker hazard getting stuck.

Thank you for all the packages Nana.  It's a race to the mailbox to see that familiar label!

Princess Soccer Player

On a very windy day, this little one calls herself a princess soccer player.  As I write this she is sitting at her little person's table being a princess artist.  A definite theme with this little girl.
You can have it all and wear a dress as well.

A rare family photo.  Thanks Curt!  At night before she falls asleep she will say sweetly goodnight my princess momma.  Her brother joined us ever so quickly!

The Princess and the Pirate . .

The Princess -
*repeatedly said look at my beauty
*thinks Halloween is perhaps the best day ever
*thanked the Pirate over and over again for going with her
*never turned down a offer for more candy
*always said happy Halloween, trick or treat and thank you
*would like to know if we are doing this again tonight
*said being a princess is a lot of work
*was a real trooper and only asked for her dad to carry her once
*princess wore a sweater as a magical coat :)

The Pirate -
*was permitted to dress up at school today
*did all of his homework the minute he walked in the door so he could be ready
*gave a Halloween sticker to everyone who gave him candy
*promised to give something better next year!
*was really good to the princess, waited for her, helped her pick candy, reminded her to say thank you
*was freezing, but begged to visit more houses
*had the best time and fell asleep instantly

Happy Halloween!


I love Halloween!  When Curt and I lived in our first home it was on a road less traveled and we had a long driveway to boot.  That first Halloween I sat on our steps forever - one Trick-or-Treater and me with huge quantities of candy.  Our trick-or-treater probably thought I was insane for filling his bag up, I still loved it.  Then when we moved to the big city of Butler, hundreds of kids traveled up and down our streets.  Smoke screens, music, flashing lights, and the candy was just awesome.

So here, pumpkin patches are very popular and off we went last Sunday to pick.  Mia talked to every pumpkin.  Not only were they pumpkins but they were beautiful princess pumpkins.  She picked 10.  Curt thought this was so great until I told him how much pumpkins cost - quickly she was down to 2.  Sab went on several scouting missions to find his sister the perfect pumpkin.  Mia was surprised by this rare kindness, but pleased to have more pumpkins to talk to.  These are my favorite shots from the day:

Everybody say pumpkin.  Or humor me.

We took this long handled pumpkin home.  She wasn't into the "goo" of cleaning it so she colored it instead.

I get this look a lot - and it usually follows the statement seriously mom?

On the hayride with her dad.  Love this little face.

The next day beginning the cleaning process.  Look at her - he's trying so hard to be good. 

 No goo Momma.

All about goo!


The First Day - Where is the Parade?

I write a lot about my sisters  because they continually fascinate me.  I began this intrigue when I was 11 and considering what it would be like to be a teenager and not play with dolls.  I was disappointed with their angst and lack of childhood activity but have found them to be endlessly fascinating.  That being said my middle sister who shall remain nameless because of her fear of the spotlight truly misses her children when they return to school life.  Oh, you think they must be little - nope, reasonable thought I agree, but they are 13 and 11!  Good Lord!  They are in the stages of embarrassment, clothing, hair  . .  bye bye beautiful girls, please relate to your own kind.  Sab, my beloved son, who played an awesome game of goalie today!!, was to return to his mothership Sept. 6.   Well, who knew Virginia was an earthquake state?!?  Seriously I was in Butler, PA having an infected tooth pulled when an earthquake was reported in Louisa, VA.  What?  Yes, the very same day Curt agreed to take Sab to the pediatrician for a check-up, a wait of 2 plus hours, and then an earthquake - he stayed for the exam, he was a man on the edge.  So long story short, Sab's school suffered damage as a result and was declared unsafe structurally for another week.  AHHHHHH!  That last week was a kicker.
But here comes a rainbow - Nana and Pap decided to be here for the first day!!!!  They came in the Friday before and we loved it.
Sab and his Nana.  Boy can this woman play video games.  She probably went home to seek carpal tunnel surgery but nonetheless she can humor a child like you wouldn't believe.  The night before the first day of school on the couch I hate.

So we had some things to do that weekend and were busy a lot.  Their last day I wanted to take them to Sweet Frog for frozen yogurt and to Target for Sab's new lunchbox.  He lost his other lunchbox on the very last day of school?!?!  I secretly, think he gave it away.  So it was 7:00 p.m. before we sat down to dinner.  My dad was in disbelief.  I wonder if he'll ever return?  The first day of school shone bright  . .

Sab with London - saying goodbye.  His teacher is a huge Steeler fan, so he wore his jersey.  He continues to wear all of them that he has.  I bet she is worried about our sanity.

She was so disappointed to have an empty house that first day.  She still asks for Sab every single day.

Low and behold - here she is waiting to go to her new school!  Her dad is surprised to see her in purple, obviously we enjoy the color pink way too much in the Phillips household.  I even purchased purple shoes from her Nana and Pap, but they were too big!!!!  So, she wore her pink Crocs, which really took away from the look. 

There's definitely more adventure to come from these two.  Right now I'm just trying to make order of my house after a summer of destruction.  Sab is soo happy with his new teacher, somewhat disappointed with the sheer number of rules and carpet time but delighted to do "big boy things."  There is a new woman on the horizon as well, but we don't know her name yet.  No name? That's a story for another day.

Beach Life

Ahh the beach . .  the smell of salt water, the breeze, WINGS stores, sand in my shoes and blister - I'll get to that in a minute.

For three summers now, my entire family (parents, siblings, neices, spouses, Phillips farm) has packed up (these people have it down to a science) and headed to a beach.  Let me give you a few things you can just count on:

Traffic to the beach - check in for most vacation rentals is Saturday afternoon.  So who wants to wait?  Pack up the car and go, go, go and sit on the two lane highway, with a very long bridge for two plus hours.  Each year I have looked over at Curt while he is wiping his right hand over his face in frustration, turning the air conditioner on high, glancing in my directions with a look of less than love.  We have gone early and now late and still can't figure it out.  BUT . . . once you arrive it is so worth the wait.

Vacation, relaxation, lazy, . .  none of those words apply to this family.  Internal clocks begin ringing at 5:00 a.m.  Hostetler exercise routines begin.  Last year I was a member of the walking club and I felt fulfilled.  This year my membership was revoked and I was responsible for running with my sister whom I now refer to as JR - Jack Russell.  I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to have a portion of this woman's energy.  5:30 - she is hauling a@$ down the driveway like a dog who has been in a crate too long.  We ran for almost an hour every day.  I would become lightheaded because I couldn't breathe.  All the while, I have to look at her stupid grin and white teeth.  One day she biked afterwards!!!  If she ever decides to figure out a blog and cleans up her infected computer - you will read her version.  We have one thing in common - sweat, tons of it.
On with the schedule  . .  this blog is not long enough to contain every story I want.  I'm accepting it at this moment - this could be a two parter.  I'm so enjoying the moments currently.  Above is Sebastian.  Is he having a blast?  Nope, not here.  Each year we have a "brilliant idea."  I think my sisters are extremely bright and talented on their own.  When we come together as a group brain cells just diminish.  Last year, my running friend J.R. thought it would be swell to buy each child a real life hermit crab!  She swears that the cost isn't much, the lifespan can't be that long and what a great memory of our time together.  This moment of togetherness cost each person $23.  Sure the crab was only $.99 but everything else the creepy thing needed was unbelievable.  Well our crab bit the dust after a few months and J.R.'s two crabs didn't make it a month? - but our sister who almost killed the clerk over her sheer lack of interest in us, still has her crab lovingly referred to as Joe.  Rumor is this guy is headed for a big time aquarium purchased by his big papa.  So this year  . . . our kids are older (with the exception of Mia) how about boogie boards!!!  In all fairness my oldest sister who has been had by the crab incident, didn't fall for this purchase - they had one already.  But the rest of us hook, line and sinker.  Above is Sab after one experience, his vision of a full stand surfing expedition didn't occur - go figure.  Bye, bye $16.99. 
This is Curt giving Sab a little pep talk.  Much later we used the boogie boards for pool life.  Every year Curt gives the speech about spending time in the pool vs the ocean.  We could just stay in a holiday inn, yada, yada.

So, so many stories I could share.  I laugh as I think about it and I would love to post a picture of all the kids but J.R. is sure bad people are reading this blog and someone will steal the picture . . .she needs to get out more.  Anyway, this little person here loved, loved, loved the beach.  In this photo she is posing for us on a log.  She was delighted with her female cousins and all of the extra attention she received from them, her aunts and her Nana.  She talks to them each day on her pretend phone and even adds conversation pieces to her Uncles James - she is quite taken with him.  One day she propped her sippy cup on his face so she could drink and be next to him.

I love the beach.  Currently I have seashells all over the house and a whole roll of black and white photos waiting for me to pick up at Walmart.  I hope we go again . .  I keep saying to Curt - who knew Virginia Beach is so close now?

Oh, the sand blister.  This is by far the most disgusting thing I have ever seen on my body.  I mentioned running with JR, - my whole body ached afterwards.  I mean everything did.  My feet were blistered and honestly I try not to look at them on a daily basis.  Genetics and feet are God's joke on us.  Anyway, our last evening there (everyone is ready to leave and get on with real life), I felt pain in my foot.  I was hoping to ignore it but I noticed as I came out of the shower (OUT!), my foot had a huge green bubble on the bottom of it.  I almost passed out.  Normally I try to hide these things from Curt, trying not to ruin the magic :), but this clearly was a problem.  He didn't bat an eye - "Dawn your blister is somehow full of sand.  Puncture that and get it out." Not a lot of sympathy, just matter of fact.  I should have taken a picture.  My mom was clearly taken away with disgust and motherly angst.  I wish I had taken a picture because it's hard to adquately describe  . . . I'll leave you with a better image

This is a small porton of us who decided to climb the Currituck Beach Light Station.  214 steps up!  I thought for sure Sab would be airborne somehow.  Love the beach!

A Blogging Fool

That's me today!  No words, I'll just share some of my favorite photos I have not written about it.

Teeth or Lack of Them

Isn't it funny that some day Sab won't want to leave the house because he looks "weird" or has braces or has a pimple.  He could not be happier about his current look.  I love it.

The tooth is just hanging out at this point.  There is blood - I sat down.  Enough said.

Now it's out.  If you randomly pass by our house at any time he will run out and show you.  He and the cashier at Walmart had a lengthy conversation about teeth.  Don't look too far in the background, the playroom is a disaster.

This is a nutty pic of Mia.  She wanted me to take it because she is sure her teeth are falling out.  Can you see her best friend London right beside her?

I Missed My Calling . .

People from Butler - say there's nothing to do there.  Or I've heard the phrase this town is so stagnant. While Orange is lovely, I'm fairly sure I can challenge that statement.  Don't get me wrong - Culpeper is 25 minutes away (Target, Walmart, Kohls), Charlottesville is 45 minutes away (the closest bookstore - this kills me.  Yes I know I can purchase online but I still love the smell of a bookstore) and Richmond is about 1 hr and 20 mins.  All of this has led me to find my true calling - tada FARMING!  If my dad reads this he will be in their kitchen shaking his head wondering what planet I have come from.  Anyway, the wonderful thing is an employee from grounds crew came in and plowed a spot.  We discussed location, amount of sun this patch will receive, and truthful expectations.  I have been so excited.  There were doubts about creatures invading my plantation (it's a 12x12 square!), but it has thrived without any disturbance.  A wonderful gardener here in the woods recommended an electric fence - his garden is edged - I am so envious.  Well, we are too cheap for the fence, so they kindly suggested Irish Spring soap shavings to ward off critters.  Well the proof is in the pudding boys and girls because here are some photos:  I might add I have watered religiously and stalked this garden.  Sab has said many of times - "Seriously Mom, you are looking at it again?".
Ahhh the zucchini!  We had a ton of it - I snuck it into everything.  Curt and Sab are afraid of excessive green things so I had to be a little creative!

Look at this!  You can't tell me that this zucchini is not farm show quality!

And today, maybe my proudest (is that a word?) piece of produce!  Ta Da!

I must add that I had some farm doubts.  My tomatoes were not coming in.  Two very gracious friends dropped off tomatoes to me.  I felt the failure - until today.  Please look for my future produce stand as Dawn's Delectables.  Even though that sounds a little shifty.

The Sab of Summer

Summer gives me a whole new appreciation for Sab's teachers.  This really shouldn't be a surprise given I'm married to a teacher and truly set out to college with thoughts of being one also.  Twenty students in a classroom just like Sab or even just one another person - prayer, lots of it.  All kidding aside the child has energy pouring out of him at all times.  When he sleeps at night he is out - cold.  I've gone into his room to pick something up or to kiss him if I forgot and it's too late, he is in Sabland.  This being said it amazes me to see him truly surprised by a situation.  Normally, he is the surprise! 

My sister and her husband (aka Captain Jim) own a speedboat.  A really great speedboat.  The name of it is Good Times which makes me smile instantly.  While we were home they asked if they could take Sab tubing.  I said yes but I also have to be included.  Sometimes people take offense to me just tagging along, it's not that I don't trust them; I don't trust Sab!  Seriously an open river, a speeding boat, Sab's love of danger - who would let this happen?  So we go . .

Here he is on the boat.  Waiting for Captain Jim to blow up the raft.  He only asked maybe 10 times how long it would take.  No, that is not my mane blowing in the background.

The tube is beautiful, not really a tube but a three seater raft!  Back in the day when I tubed with a wonderful friend of mine, we literally had an innertube and hung on to it for life.   No, I didn't walk 10 miles in the snow to school!  Anyway, Sab straps on his bugged eyed goggles and is ready.  He does mention to me that he is actually fearful.  I think I asked him to repeat that several times, just in case my hearing was going.

 He's in at this point.  I need to mention this is taking place in the river.  A Pittsburgh river, pretty sure we are not known as water conservationists.  You can't see his cousins on either side of him.

Sab has three, older female cousins.  Current ages are 8, 11 and 13.  They are the greatest girls I know and extremely good to Sab.  Kate is more like a sibling - they go at it, no holds barred.  Nevertheless, they are the best of friends.  Sab being the only boy and the youngest (of this group, I haven't forgotten Mia) tries to keep up.  He would knock himself out just to do it.

The boat is zooming along and the kids appear to be having a great time.  We think they are waving for more speed so we relay the thought to Captain Jim.  Bounce, bounce, bounce - everyone is holding on.  Good times - sure.

I'm choosing this photo because I can't post a pic of an upclose shot of my neices.  Boy do I want to though!  I really do have some great shots . .  please do not be surprised when this appears on the family calendar :)

Long story short, here the girls might have been waving to slow down.  Just as we understand this message and stop the boat to converse.  The raft capsizes - one little bugged boy remains.  The girls are thrashing in the scenic river, none to happy.  Sab is loving life.  Truly surprised and speechless to see this scene happening.  Shocked still actually.  Much drama ensues.  Sab later tells me it's the best day of his life.  Listening to his version of the story later with Nana and his dad - was priceless.  A childhood memory was made for him. 

Bubba Turns Seven

So I'm way behind on blogging anything.  This summer schedule is killing me.  Sab and his partner in crime Mia are staying up until 9:30 or 10:00 every night and not sleeping in!  We have added another hour and a half to slow motion craziness and I'm dragging.  Enough about me - Sab is now 7!  I heard someone ask him the other day how old he was and he very maturely said, "I turned 7 this year."  Gone are the days when you hold up your fingers to indicate your age?

Ok, so my family was unbelievable enough to visit us on the weekend of Sab's birthday.  They all packed in the car - many hips were cracking, my motion sickness sister looked like she wanted to run 10 miles, but they made it!  Of course as my luck would have it, I was sicker than a dog.  I cleaned the house and was all set except for a couple of things the Wednesday before.  I took Sab to his swim lesson and could feel the pulse in my head.  The reflection off the pool was peeking in my glasses.  Yep, I always like to vomit when that happens.  I assure Curt all is well and will be fine if I lay down when Mia naps.  He and Sab ride off into the sunset (aka as Toy R Us).  Doom sets in.  The chills and fever set in, I could barely swallow.  I'm literally propped up while watching that whiny Calliou with Mia  . .  quick text to Curt - I'm losing my noodle and possibly everything I've had to eat - PLEASE COME HOME.  I hear all sorts of chaos later.  Baths running, Curt muttering how does your mother do this?  The dog is barking and he is running around with diapers and pj's while watering the garden, which I like to call my crops.  It was a rough night, but Sab's seventh was not going to wait.

Sab had a great time.  And we surprised him with a trampoline (although I have my suspicions if he was really surprised.)  My dad God bless him helped Curt and my sister set it up.  In two hours time, it was ready.  Many hours later, Curt child proofed and hung various safety signs.  No wonder this man never sleeps at night.

Here are some of my favorites from that weekend:
The process.  My sister always has that smile on her face.  During construction, the birth of my children . .
I blindfolded him so he wouldn't see while he walked outside.  Still think the little stinker knew.

The surprise!  My dad checking things out.

Sab picked vanilla cupcakes with vanilla icing.  No chocolate for this boy.  Look how old he is?!?

Someone was able to sneak a chocolate.  She still believes it is her birthday at this point.  Reminder - it was in April!

Happy Birthday Buddy! I love you!  You have made the last 7 years an unexpected ride I could never have imagined.

A Year In Review

This is Sab on his very first day of kindergarten.  If you remember I was outside his bedroom door taking pictures of his last moments of "babyhood" - much to Curt's dismay!

Here he is on the very last day of Kindergarten.
This is what he learned:
He can read!!!  No longer can Curt and I spell-talk while he's in the room.  This is a big deal for us so we've moved to Pig Latin. 
He discovered girls aren't so icky, especially if they bring him candy.
He knows how to buy his lunch and con his friend Trevor out of his cheetos.
He understands the concept of homework and has no idea what's in store for him!
He can add and "take away" like a champ.  His teacher said he loves to learn about money, no kidding!
He fell in love with June B. Jones, she would be perfect for him!
He has bagged the idea of being a fireman after guidance class!
He learned to help others - the social cue thing is taking a while.  His asked another little boy today how he could possibly still cry on the last day of school, when was this going to end - mothers must hate us!
He learned the pleasure of recess and made many friends in maintenance after kicking all his balls on the roof.
He learned the magic of a prize box and what he needed to do to get in there.

So today I picked him up as well as our carpool buddy.  I still breathe a sigh of relief when I see him in the carpool lane!  We are having a pizza party to celebrate his first grade status.  He thinks we are kidding when we tell him kindergarten is over.  God bless his teacher!