Each Christmas we go home to celebrate the holiday with our family in Pittsburgh. The anticipation of this journey is enormous and the amount of planning is considerable. You see Santa (shh!) joins us on this adventure, as well as Sammy the Elf, a Woodberry ham, the kitchen sink . . So one can see how a person might forget snow boots? Two years in a row now, I have forgotten our snow things. Is it avoidance? I'm not sure. One would think growing up there for 34 years (I am not lying about my age - please figure in that we have lived in Virginia for three years), I would remember that Halloween to May might bring snow at any moment. So sure enough, the day after Christmas it snowed at least 6 inches within a couple of hours. My angels have their little faces pressed up against the glass, loaded for excitement. Sab turns to me, "Mom, seriously again? You brought no snow stuff." One day I will enlighten this young man on what was involved in this trip. Long story short (too long?!?) a quick trip to the store by Mr. Phillips and a little creativity provided all with some sledding gear! Two of the four nieces I have, took my children out this day. The wise Meghan could be heard saying, "Sebastian, WHY does everything have to be an Olympic event!" He owes this girl big. My little girl Sassaruby truly loves her Ally and enjoyed every moment. Thank you girls. Ever hear that phrase your reward is in Heaven?
This is what the day brought:
They have a great hill. |
Joy! |
I spy with my little eye . . Uncle Jim |
Just looking at this is COLD! |
Tasting snow. Lost hat! |
Ally has to be thinking sometimes are you kidding me? |
Meghan is a trooper for sure. Hopefully Sab will know this someday.
So the day we were supposed to leave it snowed at least another 3 to 4 inches. No leaving that day! We anticipated this treacherous route and blizzard . . . only to cross into Virginia with no snow and 45 degrees. Go figure! |