My friend Em, will often switch up the schedule of her posts due to something she really wants to blog. So I interrupt this daily broadcast to share these tulips with you. We set out last week, to visit the Ecotulip farm near us. It was just one of those days when you know your kids are not going to cooperate. Sab was into it, but his sister, well, it wasn't her day. So we waited a week. And. It worked out because the tulips were in full bloom - what a beautiful day, what a fantastic farm. If you know me well, you know how much I LOVE flowers. It is rare that I don't have flowers in this house, we won't even talk about my love for plants :)
Row, after row, pink, red, yellow, striped -- aahhhhh!
They don't even look real here!
We have often joked (this is mean I know) that sister here has a few dog-like qualities including her sense of smell. She couldn't get enough . . . . wait for it . . .
Buried in it :)
An enormous sneeze follows shortly
They willingly posed. This makes me laugh out loud.
We picked 20 in all. No self control in this party. It wasn't just me, I swear.
Love the pink
So dreams of my own nursery/coffee shop/scrapbook store still continue . . .
Thanks for the shout out. And YAY for EcoTulips. We were there last week for a preschool field trip and the flowers were just starting to come out. They look awesome in your pics. We're going to try and go out again next weekend as well.