My New Friend Sam

I know what you're thinking, how creepy, she thinks this little Poltergeist doll is her friend.  But wait till I tell you about him and you'll change your mind.  Last Christmas Eve, Sab opened one of his gifts from Aunt Shell and found my new little elf here with a book.  Sab politely put the book aside, gave me one of those looks like what the heck and moved on.  Now, Aunt Shell is a real kid's kid.  Her gifts are always popular and just fun (except for the marshmallow shooter, not so great).  In the summer, she keeps a huge basket of outside toys in her trunk.  She's great and what a runner (see earlier post).  Sad to say for me, I paid no attention to this great gift until unpacking the Christmas tree this year!
There he was in his box, staring at me with those creepy blue eyes, I mean jolly.   I open the box and read the directions, he is called the Elf on the Shelf.  During the day this little guy watches boys and girls for signs of being naughty and nice.  While we're sleeping, he flies back to the North Pole and reports to Santa on what he sees.  Each morning, he shows up in a different place (due to Christmas magic, get into the spirit) and your children have to find him again.
Sab is INTO IT!  He named our elf Sam right away.  He's not the best "namer" either, usually things are fishy, doggy, piggy - get my drift?  So I was surprised by his decisive Sam!  We read the storybook twice, just so Sab could grasp the concept.  Well, what a night we had!
He was so polite, Sab, not Sam.  He took his shower well, kissed his sister goodnight and brushed his teeth with diligence!  While we were reading his story (the Magic School Bus Weather Trip - tough read for us), he interrupts which usually drives me a little crazy.  He asked what Sam was going to report to Santa that night.  I said you are a good boy, but frankly you talk back to your mom and dad way too much.
This morning he springs out of bed (yes, springs, I didn't drag him by the ankles at all!) and looks for Sam.  Sam, what a hider this guy is, was in the spider plant.  Sab quickly said good morning, ate his breakfast, drank every drop of milk, cleaned out the car for our fellow carpool member, and helped his baby sister.  Where has this elf been all these 6 years?!?
While dropping him off at school - Sab asked if Sam could see him there.  I said absolutely!  He shook his head and walked off.  Hope this keeps up . . .

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving and Happy, Happy Birthday Nana!

I'm thankful to be homeward bound!!!  AND . . . Sab has been given the green light - NO MORE GLASSES!!!  That sums it up.  Here are some pics of my little people.

Discovery . . .

Lately, our house is just a little wild. Those of you who know us, really aren't surprised. Our house winds up at the end of the day vs the much favored opposite winding down. Yesterday . . As I write now, I'm closing my eyes because it's better to just block it out. I'll give you some highlights which lead to the eventual discovery.
Our Wednesday story time escapade - Mia now just associates it with bubbles because the librarian has them! She first needs to read several stories very, very slowly. This particular story talked about a woman dying from eating too much. Seemed harsh for a group of toddlers, but who am I to judge?
Sab has another new girlfriend, obsession. From visiting him for lunch the other day, I gather he likes strong, bossy women who look much older than 6. I personally liked the nice girl beside me who couldn't maneuver her juice box, too boring for him. His report card came and he's doing well (this doesn't fit with story, but I'm proud of him).
Pick up Sab at school with our neighbor. They bicker the entire way home about electronics. I am ready to throw it out the window, it's a long 8 minutes.
Both children loose their noodle at dinner. Noodle losing is not good, I use it as a substitute phrase for tantrum. Sab's issue was due to a red cupcake that his sister stole off his tray. Mia just didn't want to be there, AT ALL. End conclusion - cereal at home for me, noodle soup and nuggets for her.
Homework - can't say another word. It's too trivial for Sab. Can anyone say the word Kindergarten?
This leads us to discovery . . Curt stepped in. Probably afraid for the safety of our children? He decides to completely take over bath time. Little secret it's sheer torture to wash Mia's hair and last night was the night!!! I hear her scream, Sab's running up and down the hallway. I calmly clean up the kitchen by myself. I soon feel guilty. I go upstairs, Mia is out of the bath tub!! Curt is drying her, rather diligently. Sab looks at his sister (remember she is 1 1/2) and says, "DAD - WHAT HAPPENED TO IT?" Curt still wrestling with Mia is only half listening. Happened to what he says? "MIA'S PEEPEE! YOU LOST IT!" Sab had watched his sister take countless baths but never took notice until yesterday. So we embarked on the beginning steps of the differences between boys and girls. Sab's main concern was that Mia and I are unable to go to the bathroom.
Needless to say, Curt will probably not join us for bath time ever again.

Bedtime Mommy Monster

I was in the post office the other day and one of the ladies who work behind the counter asked if I was always so nice.  Yes, yes I know I have her fooled.  The first response out of my mouth was, "No, stop by my house at bedtime, I'm a monster."  She seemed a little surprised by my answer and maybe a little sorry she even said such a nice thing.

The grand finale of my day begins around seven, which I need to change for many reasons.  First item up is Sab's homework.  He is in Kindergarten, it's not brain surgery.  However, he acts so plagued by the littlest detail.  The other day his math sheet discussed the concept of grouping numbers.  This is still on my level, so I can handle it.  The instructions asked to find groupings of four in your house, ie spoons, forks, videos, etc.  See how this list can go on?  Sab completely lost his noodle (tantrum) and said he couldn't possibly do it.  Uh, hello?  Once upon a time I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, just think a roomful of stubborn Sabs?!?!?

In walks my assistant . . .The minute she hears the wooden chairs move across the floor, she is yelling PAPER, COLORS ?? ??
Quite possibly, Sab is even more irritated than before.
This is an overview shot.  Things can be quiet for a while.  Randomly she will look up and point her chubby finger at him.  Then she yells!  SaBE, u DONT.  He completely forgets she's a year old and tells her he's not doing anything.  She continues!  This is the funniest exchange.
After this little bit of chaos.  It's bath time, teeth time, vitamin time, STTTOOOORRRYYYYY time ( elongated because it is that long!), finally prayers.  Mia's is short and sweet because any longer and she tries to climb out of her crib. 
Sab has two prayers.  Now I lay me down . . . All of our family is included and depending on the day some guests too.  Frequently Eric, another physics teacher, sometimes Billy, my niece Kate's friend, and sometimes his infamous girlfriend Tiffany.
The last event in the grand finale is Sab's Lord Jesus Prayer.  It is long and an hour has passed since the beginning of this process.  I'm beyond tired and mostly irritated.  Then in his sweet little boy voice (also his con artist voice) he thanks Lord Jesus for every little thing involved in his day.  The ability to kick a ball.  And the five slices of pepperoni he snuck before his shower.   This thankfulness infuses me
 with so much guilt, I sit there speechless.  I'm almost humbled until the next night at 7:30 p.m.
Night, night - Mia would say.

It's Racing Day, It's Racing Day

Whenever I run a race I sing the words, "It's racing day, it's racing day, today's the day we race."  In fact, I sang this song to my Pittsburgh Relay Team the entire drive to Pittsburgh at 5:30 a.m.  The sad fact is this catchy little tune is song by the Backyardigans, particularly Uniqua - the purple something or other.  So, it was no surprise to me that I found myself humming this little number this morning on the big day of the YMCA TURKEY TROT.  I have a history with this race and once I was required to dress up as a decrepit turkey and run down the street for the kid's one mile jaunt.  Long story.  Today, I was very far from this Butler race (proctoring the SAT - a whole other story), but there in spirit!

Let's set the tone a little here.  Picture this a fun loving couple who share a gym each morning with their imaginary friends.  The female half of this dynamic duo is a swimmer and part maniac bike fanatic.  She peddles so hard, the bike is literally disintegrating.  New bolts, new pedals, any day she'll have lift off due to the speed.  The male, referred to in his heyday as the White Michael Jordan has embraced the fitness world and knows no boundaries. He shows up in red at the gym and the people (my sister) take notice of the situation.  Sab who is clearly a Daddy's boy, told his uncle that three miles on the treadmill is nothing, his mom can do way more than that.  I must say at this point, this Barbie and Ken team have far surpassed me.  I'm not going to correct Sab though, he rarely brags about me, why burst his bubble?

After a hearty meal of pizza with salad and excessive broccoli intake (I have an inside source), this running dynamic took over the city of Butler today!  Their time for the 5K truly spanks my own and my mouth hangs open collecting their dust.  Ever heard the saying a picture is worth a thousand words - yep I wholeheartedly agree.

My brother-in-law is the cleanest human being on the planet, with the exception of my mom!  It's not often I see him in athletic gear because I haven't been around to witness this running phenom and he showers frequently.  I must say though, he has running calves, holy smokes!  What's his secret?  What's on that Ipod?  Did he stop in the park and take a squirt of running goo - this I'll never know!

She might be short in stature but she is a real spit fire.  Look at her stride, I can't believe she doesn't pull a groin muscle with her legs that far apart.  I ran with her once and she was like a rocket.  No warm up, no let's gently ease into this, it was I'm in it to win it.  Kudos to the photographer, this is a real shot!  Her feet are off the ground!  If I had been lucky enough to witness this I would have seen her taking her hat off her head, wiping the surplus (I mean surplus) of sweat off her forehead, hands on hips, looking for the next thing to do.

So, it was racing day, just not for me.  220 people ran in this race, climbed the initial mountain (aka North Washington), took over the hill in the park, and breezed up the slight never ending spit inducing incline at the end.  Thanks to my inside source for sharing this day with me - even 5 1/2 hours (depends on who drives it, can be at record breaking speeds).  xoxo racers!  I'll be recruiting two teams for the relay this spring . .

Trick or Treat or Maybe Just M&M's

 Last year was Mia's first "Trick or Treat."  Thinking back, she was supposed to be Tinkerbell.  Technically she was Tinkerbell inside of our house.  Outside, she was quickly shoved into a flower sleeper.  I remember looking out the window and seeing our neighbors in costumes with a table on their porch and asking them why so early??  Not early at all, Trick or Treat had started!!!  Holy smokes.  Shoving two kids in costume, loading up our Halloween bowl with 300 treats (not a typo!) and running down the street while calling my sister and telling her to drive to my house, FAST.
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Fast forward one year later.  My sweet little ladybug.  Our school had trick or treat for toddlers and infants during the day in the administration building.  Very nice, tons of candy, friendly faces  . . .Mia sometimes looks at me like you're kidding right?  Who are these people?  She tore off her ladybug wings and cried.  She was delighted that someone opened a pack of M&M's - ate one and said home.

Needless to say her six year old brother could not get enough of Trick or Treat.  This was the very FIRST time his dad took him trick or treating!!!  As they left the front porch I heard Curt say do you need that light saber - seriously?  Then he proceeds to say, We're going Sab, this way, RELAX!  Ahh, the bliss of me, passing out M&M's and watching Dora with Mia PRICELESS!

Coach Pugh and Big Blue

My computer is finally fixed!!!  Yipee - but I have a lot of blogging to do and my posts are a little out of date in order to catch up.  I will wrap Sab's soccer season up  . . . really hard to let go.  Ok, so maybe I liked it a whole lot more than him? 

Two Saturdays ago.  High noon. Big Blue.  Rappahannock.  Rappa who?  That's right Rappahannock aka God's country.  One hour drive, cell phone immediately died and the GPS was about to overheat.  Talk about mountains.  I seriously thought we would see Jesus just hanging out there.  This is my dedication as a soccer mom.  Impressive?  Plain stupid?

Sab comes into the game three minutes in.  He is a streak of blue lighting (team color is blue!).  Within one minute, he shoots and scores.  Ta da!  Sab doesn't have a victory dance or butt shake.  Surprisingly he is very low key.  He will look over at me, do a thumbs up or OK sign and move on.  Usually I'm on top of Mia's stroller jumping up and down so how he models this behavior is beyond me.  The game moves on.  Sab is the youngest player on his team.  We figured with the team his age he would be a giant and very bored.  So, when he has to guard somebody, they are usually bigger than him and somehow always blond.  Saturday, he has a giant of a kid, quick and I must say a little aggressive for my tastes.  He pushes Sab down, Sab hits the ground and skids a couple of feet, and as he gets up I see blood and grass sticking out of his sports glasses.  Uh oh.

Well, he gets up.  No tears.  Wipes up the blood with his knee pad!  Yes!!!!  We have reached a milestone here ladies and gentlemen!  Big bully wasn't keeping my child down.  I say that with my soccer attitude.

Last quarter - Sab decides he wants to play goal.  This is a precarious action.  Parents who were lounging in their Virginia Tech deck chairs are now leaning forward.  It's all fun and games when you are on the field and miss a ball, but in the goal, that's a point and a whole different ball game.  Sab likes the goal and requests it whenever possible . .  each time I see his skinny body headed that way I feel just a little sick!  God was with us that day, possibly because we were so close to him in the mountains.  Sab charged the offense each and every time, his goal kicks sailing through the air down the field, occasionally hitting someone in the head.

Our fall season came to a close on Saturday with a brutal loss.  Sab played goal again and had a few impressive saves, a collision with two of his teammates leaving bruised heads, a couple of misses but really who is counting?  Best part - Nana and Pap were here to see the whole game.  Pap may not admit it.  He might even tell you he was trying to take pictures of the parachutes (our field is near a landing pad) but he told my mom what a surprise it is kind of exciting!

Here are a few of my favorite pics.  My next sports coverage (ha ha) will be of the awesome race of my brother-in-law Slim Jim Whitman and his wonderful wife Shell.