Just Mia

Mia bouncing a ball in the gym.  She loves it there - she runs, runs and runs . .
I often write about Sab because he is just so interesting.  Sometimes it's embarrassing, sometimes not, usually the former statement but always interesting.  So I thought I should catch up on Mia - she is also a unique little person.
Mia is extremely affectionate.  She kisses everything.  If she can hold onto her brother long enough she showers his little face with kisses.  The other day I had on big fuzzy pink polka dot socks.  She looked at me and said NICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEE!  Then preceded to kiss them.
She is very aware of emotions.  If Sab cries for any reason, she says Oh No Sab-E!  Why u cyyyy!  He doesn't answer her often, but she sits real close and hopes for it anyway.
Obsessed with monkeys!  Obviously we don't have any monkeys at our house and she hasn't been to the zoo at this point, but she can't get enough.  I just found our book, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed and she is so excited by the story EVERY TIME.  Laughs and claps like she has never heard it before.  She carries a pink stuffed monkey with her everywhere.  It is a sad, sad day when the monkey sneaks into the washer for a bath.  Each morning she wakes up and asks for George as in Curious George.
Finally, finally, finally she answers Yes to questions.  For a long time everything was No.  Sab just to shed a dark shadow on his sister's halo would ask her, "Mia - do you love momma?"  She of course would say no and Sab would ask me why I even like her that much.  So now that the word Yes is in her vocabulary I really enjoy hearing it.  Not only does she say YEEEEEEESSSS, but she includes a very firm and rapid head nod with it!
When I announce that it's night night time at the end of the day, she always follows me up the stairs, but she first looks around and says Oh Man, very loudly and with annoyance.
Right now she is supposed to be sleeping  . . . I hear her on the monitor saying Uh Oh and Momma Help.  I thought teaching her the word help was so much better than hearing her cry or become frustrated.  It's not so great when she's yelling it in the store and people are wondering what to do for her.  She's a funny little person, dirty, gooey and very, very chatty.  She'll wake up today and tell me Momma missed U!

My New Friend Sam

I know what you're thinking, how creepy, she thinks this little Poltergeist doll is her friend.  But wait till I tell you about him and you'll change your mind.  Last Christmas Eve, Sab opened one of his gifts from Aunt Shell and found my new little elf here with a book.  Sab politely put the book aside, gave me one of those looks like what the heck and moved on.  Now, Aunt Shell is a real kid's kid.  Her gifts are always popular and just fun (except for the marshmallow shooter, not so great).  In the summer, she keeps a huge basket of outside toys in her trunk.  She's great and what a runner (see earlier post).  Sad to say for me, I paid no attention to this great gift until unpacking the Christmas tree this year!
There he was in his box, staring at me with those creepy blue eyes, I mean jolly.   I open the box and read the directions, he is called the Elf on the Shelf.  During the day this little guy watches boys and girls for signs of being naughty and nice.  While we're sleeping, he flies back to the North Pole and reports to Santa on what he sees.  Each morning, he shows up in a different place (due to Christmas magic, get into the spirit) and your children have to find him again.
Sab is INTO IT!  He named our elf Sam right away.  He's not the best "namer" either, usually things are fishy, doggy, piggy - get my drift?  So I was surprised by his decisive Sam!  We read the storybook twice, just so Sab could grasp the concept.  Well, what a night we had!
He was so polite, Sab, not Sam.  He took his shower well, kissed his sister goodnight and brushed his teeth with diligence!  While we were reading his story (the Magic School Bus Weather Trip - tough read for us), he interrupts which usually drives me a little crazy.  He asked what Sam was going to report to Santa that night.  I said you are a good boy, but frankly you talk back to your mom and dad way too much.
This morning he springs out of bed (yes, springs, I didn't drag him by the ankles at all!) and looks for Sam.  Sam, what a hider this guy is, was in the spider plant.  Sab quickly said good morning, ate his breakfast, drank every drop of milk, cleaned out the car for our fellow carpool member, and helped his baby sister.  Where has this elf been all these 6 years?!?
While dropping him off at school - Sab asked if Sam could see him there.  I said absolutely!  He shook his head and walked off.  Hope this keeps up . . .

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving and Happy, Happy Birthday Nana!

I'm thankful to be homeward bound!!!  AND . . . Sab has been given the green light - NO MORE GLASSES!!!  That sums it up.  Here are some pics of my little people.

Discovery . . .

Lately, our house is just a little wild. Those of you who know us, really aren't surprised. Our house winds up at the end of the day vs the much favored opposite winding down. Yesterday . . As I write now, I'm closing my eyes because it's better to just block it out. I'll give you some highlights which lead to the eventual discovery.
Our Wednesday story time escapade - Mia now just associates it with bubbles because the librarian has them! She first needs to read several stories very, very slowly. This particular story talked about a woman dying from eating too much. Seemed harsh for a group of toddlers, but who am I to judge?
Sab has another new girlfriend, obsession. From visiting him for lunch the other day, I gather he likes strong, bossy women who look much older than 6. I personally liked the nice girl beside me who couldn't maneuver her juice box, too boring for him. His report card came and he's doing well (this doesn't fit with story, but I'm proud of him).
Pick up Sab at school with our neighbor. They bicker the entire way home about electronics. I am ready to throw it out the window, it's a long 8 minutes.
Both children loose their noodle at dinner. Noodle losing is not good, I use it as a substitute phrase for tantrum. Sab's issue was due to a red cupcake that his sister stole off his tray. Mia just didn't want to be there, AT ALL. End conclusion - cereal at home for me, noodle soup and nuggets for her.
Homework - can't say another word. It's too trivial for Sab. Can anyone say the word Kindergarten?
This leads us to discovery . . Curt stepped in. Probably afraid for the safety of our children? He decides to completely take over bath time. Little secret it's sheer torture to wash Mia's hair and last night was the night!!! I hear her scream, Sab's running up and down the hallway. I calmly clean up the kitchen by myself. I soon feel guilty. I go upstairs, Mia is out of the bath tub!! Curt is drying her, rather diligently. Sab looks at his sister (remember she is 1 1/2) and says, "DAD - WHAT HAPPENED TO IT?" Curt still wrestling with Mia is only half listening. Happened to what he says? "MIA'S PEEPEE! YOU LOST IT!" Sab had watched his sister take countless baths but never took notice until yesterday. So we embarked on the beginning steps of the differences between boys and girls. Sab's main concern was that Mia and I are unable to go to the bathroom.
Needless to say, Curt will probably not join us for bath time ever again.

Bedtime Mommy Monster

I was in the post office the other day and one of the ladies who work behind the counter asked if I was always so nice.  Yes, yes I know I have her fooled.  The first response out of my mouth was, "No, stop by my house at bedtime, I'm a monster."  She seemed a little surprised by my answer and maybe a little sorry she even said such a nice thing.

The grand finale of my day begins around seven, which I need to change for many reasons.  First item up is Sab's homework.  He is in Kindergarten, it's not brain surgery.  However, he acts so plagued by the littlest detail.  The other day his math sheet discussed the concept of grouping numbers.  This is still on my level, so I can handle it.  The instructions asked to find groupings of four in your house, ie spoons, forks, videos, etc.  See how this list can go on?  Sab completely lost his noodle (tantrum) and said he couldn't possibly do it.  Uh, hello?  Once upon a time I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, just think a roomful of stubborn Sabs?!?!?

In walks my assistant . . .The minute she hears the wooden chairs move across the floor, she is yelling PAPER, COLORS ?? ??
Quite possibly, Sab is even more irritated than before.
This is an overview shot.  Things can be quiet for a while.  Randomly she will look up and point her chubby finger at him.  Then she yells!  SaBE, u DONT.  He completely forgets she's a year old and tells her he's not doing anything.  She continues!  This is the funniest exchange.
After this little bit of chaos.  It's bath time, teeth time, vitamin time, STTTOOOORRRYYYYY time ( elongated because it is that long!), finally prayers.  Mia's is short and sweet because any longer and she tries to climb out of her crib. 
Sab has two prayers.  Now I lay me down . . . All of our family is included and depending on the day some guests too.  Frequently Eric, another physics teacher, sometimes Billy, my niece Kate's friend, and sometimes his infamous girlfriend Tiffany.
The last event in the grand finale is Sab's Lord Jesus Prayer.  It is long and an hour has passed since the beginning of this process.  I'm beyond tired and mostly irritated.  Then in his sweet little boy voice (also his con artist voice) he thanks Lord Jesus for every little thing involved in his day.  The ability to kick a ball.  And the five slices of pepperoni he snuck before his shower.   This thankfulness infuses me
 with so much guilt, I sit there speechless.  I'm almost humbled until the next night at 7:30 p.m.
Night, night - Mia would say.

It's Racing Day, It's Racing Day

Whenever I run a race I sing the words, "It's racing day, it's racing day, today's the day we race."  In fact, I sang this song to my Pittsburgh Relay Team the entire drive to Pittsburgh at 5:30 a.m.  The sad fact is this catchy little tune is song by the Backyardigans, particularly Uniqua - the purple something or other.  So, it was no surprise to me that I found myself humming this little number this morning on the big day of the YMCA TURKEY TROT.  I have a history with this race and once I was required to dress up as a decrepit turkey and run down the street for the kid's one mile jaunt.  Long story.  Today, I was very far from this Butler race (proctoring the SAT - a whole other story), but there in spirit!

Let's set the tone a little here.  Picture this a fun loving couple who share a gym each morning with their imaginary friends.  The female half of this dynamic duo is a swimmer and part maniac bike fanatic.  She peddles so hard, the bike is literally disintegrating.  New bolts, new pedals, any day she'll have lift off due to the speed.  The male, referred to in his heyday as the White Michael Jordan has embraced the fitness world and knows no boundaries. He shows up in red at the gym and the people (my sister) take notice of the situation.  Sab who is clearly a Daddy's boy, told his uncle that three miles on the treadmill is nothing, his mom can do way more than that.  I must say at this point, this Barbie and Ken team have far surpassed me.  I'm not going to correct Sab though, he rarely brags about me, why burst his bubble?

After a hearty meal of pizza with salad and excessive broccoli intake (I have an inside source), this running dynamic took over the city of Butler today!  Their time for the 5K truly spanks my own and my mouth hangs open collecting their dust.  Ever heard the saying a picture is worth a thousand words - yep I wholeheartedly agree.

My brother-in-law is the cleanest human being on the planet, with the exception of my mom!  It's not often I see him in athletic gear because I haven't been around to witness this running phenom and he showers frequently.  I must say though, he has running calves, holy smokes!  What's his secret?  What's on that Ipod?  Did he stop in the park and take a squirt of running goo - this I'll never know!

She might be short in stature but she is a real spit fire.  Look at her stride, I can't believe she doesn't pull a groin muscle with her legs that far apart.  I ran with her once and she was like a rocket.  No warm up, no let's gently ease into this, it was I'm in it to win it.  Kudos to the photographer, this is a real shot!  Her feet are off the ground!  If I had been lucky enough to witness this I would have seen her taking her hat off her head, wiping the surplus (I mean surplus) of sweat off her forehead, hands on hips, looking for the next thing to do.

So, it was racing day, just not for me.  220 people ran in this race, climbed the initial mountain (aka North Washington), took over the hill in the park, and breezed up the slight never ending spit inducing incline at the end.  Thanks to my inside source for sharing this day with me - even 5 1/2 hours (depends on who drives it, can be at record breaking speeds).  xoxo racers!  I'll be recruiting two teams for the relay this spring . .

Trick or Treat or Maybe Just M&M's

 Last year was Mia's first "Trick or Treat."  Thinking back, she was supposed to be Tinkerbell.  Technically she was Tinkerbell inside of our house.  Outside, she was quickly shoved into a flower sleeper.  I remember looking out the window and seeing our neighbors in costumes with a table on their porch and asking them why so early??  Not early at all, Trick or Treat had started!!!  Holy smokes.  Shoving two kids in costume, loading up our Halloween bowl with 300 treats (not a typo!) and running down the street while calling my sister and telling her to drive to my house, FAST.
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Fast forward one year later.  My sweet little ladybug.  Our school had trick or treat for toddlers and infants during the day in the administration building.  Very nice, tons of candy, friendly faces  . . .Mia sometimes looks at me like you're kidding right?  Who are these people?  She tore off her ladybug wings and cried.  She was delighted that someone opened a pack of M&M's - ate one and said home.

Needless to say her six year old brother could not get enough of Trick or Treat.  This was the very FIRST time his dad took him trick or treating!!!  As they left the front porch I heard Curt say do you need that light saber - seriously?  Then he proceeds to say, We're going Sab, this way, RELAX!  Ahh, the bliss of me, passing out M&M's and watching Dora with Mia PRICELESS!

Coach Pugh and Big Blue

My computer is finally fixed!!!  Yipee - but I have a lot of blogging to do and my posts are a little out of date in order to catch up.  I will wrap Sab's soccer season up  . . . really hard to let go.  Ok, so maybe I liked it a whole lot more than him? 

Two Saturdays ago.  High noon. Big Blue.  Rappahannock.  Rappa who?  That's right Rappahannock aka God's country.  One hour drive, cell phone immediately died and the GPS was about to overheat.  Talk about mountains.  I seriously thought we would see Jesus just hanging out there.  This is my dedication as a soccer mom.  Impressive?  Plain stupid?

Sab comes into the game three minutes in.  He is a streak of blue lighting (team color is blue!).  Within one minute, he shoots and scores.  Ta da!  Sab doesn't have a victory dance or butt shake.  Surprisingly he is very low key.  He will look over at me, do a thumbs up or OK sign and move on.  Usually I'm on top of Mia's stroller jumping up and down so how he models this behavior is beyond me.  The game moves on.  Sab is the youngest player on his team.  We figured with the team his age he would be a giant and very bored.  So, when he has to guard somebody, they are usually bigger than him and somehow always blond.  Saturday, he has a giant of a kid, quick and I must say a little aggressive for my tastes.  He pushes Sab down, Sab hits the ground and skids a couple of feet, and as he gets up I see blood and grass sticking out of his sports glasses.  Uh oh.

Well, he gets up.  No tears.  Wipes up the blood with his knee pad!  Yes!!!!  We have reached a milestone here ladies and gentlemen!  Big bully wasn't keeping my child down.  I say that with my soccer attitude.

Last quarter - Sab decides he wants to play goal.  This is a precarious action.  Parents who were lounging in their Virginia Tech deck chairs are now leaning forward.  It's all fun and games when you are on the field and miss a ball, but in the goal, that's a point and a whole different ball game.  Sab likes the goal and requests it whenever possible . .  each time I see his skinny body headed that way I feel just a little sick!  God was with us that day, possibly because we were so close to him in the mountains.  Sab charged the offense each and every time, his goal kicks sailing through the air down the field, occasionally hitting someone in the head.

Our fall season came to a close on Saturday with a brutal loss.  Sab played goal again and had a few impressive saves, a collision with two of his teammates leaving bruised heads, a couple of misses but really who is counting?  Best part - Nana and Pap were here to see the whole game.  Pap may not admit it.  He might even tell you he was trying to take pictures of the parachutes (our field is near a landing pad) but he told my mom what a surprise it is kind of exciting!

Here are a few of my favorite pics.  My next sports coverage (ha ha) will be of the awesome race of my brother-in-law Slim Jim Whitman and his wonderful wife Shell.

The Best Birthday Party an Eight Year Old Could Have . . .

I cannot possibly refrain from blogging my wonderful niece Kate's birthday party.  Before I begin, it was worth every second of the six hour journey - truly!  For one moment, I wish I was a published, successful author so that I could give adequate words to the images I still see in my memory.  I truly wish I could transport anyone reading this to the actual party so that you can experience it for yourself.  I wish I could describe the emotions I saw flit across my sister's face.

My sister, one of the most organized individuals on the planet, decides to throw an eighth birthday party for my niece and 18 of her classmates!  Kudos for not loosing anyone at the park and for not needing a first aid kit.  Although the one accident prone child may have needed medical attention if the party continued for 30 more minutes.  When my sister had to pry this particular child from the top of the climbing wall - I couldn't help the smile on my face.  My sister showed no signs of disbelief other than that slight shake of her head as if a bug is near.

I had the very best job of taking pictures so I literally had to stand around and take it all in.  Kate looked like she was having the time of her life.  Truly if any of our kids try to tell us that they didn't feel loved growing up I may club them with a happy stick.  Seriously.  As I write this now, so many miles away I'm still thrilled with the experience.  But I think this may be one of those times that you really did need to be there.

I leave with this thought/memory (it may be a while before I blog again my computer has a virus - how in the world do I get so many of them when I rarely look at anything other than Gap, Barnes and Noble and Vera Bradley???) It is always the same at every birthday party.  All the kids want to literally sit on top of the birthday person so they can see the loot.  My sister told the kids there had to be a system.  The system would be (even though some brave child thought he was going to fight with her!) Katie would open each gift according to the giver's first letter of their first name.  No A's present.  All the Bs came forward.  Jody greeted each child and I couldn't help but notice the little boy off to the side that she didn't see.  So of course being the great sister I am, I pointed out his presence.  You could see the wheels turning in my sister's head, why was this boy up there?  The system didn't apply to him yet.  She encourages him to sit back down and she looks up for just an instant.  I'm not sure if she was talking to God or just checking to see if anyone else noticed the chaos and the boy's ability to misunderstand the alphabet.  She caught my eye and grinned.  Ahh, the contained frustration made my day, definitely my week and quite possibly my whole month.  Yes, pics of Kate's party will definitely make the family calendar this year.  Two of my favorites are below:

Kate charged my camera.  She has always been a good sport about pictures!  She and her 18 friends(have I said that number enough?) were throwing leaves at each other.  Hint - it's all fun and games until someone gets a stick in their eye.

Look at Kate's smile, so pleased to be surrounded.  Look at Jody's.  Is she thinking how many more minutes left at this party?  Is she thinking she missed the boat by not being an elementary school teacher?  Is she just maybe realizing I'm in the back laughing at her?

At the time and maybe several hours later, she might have asked herself why she would plan such a party.  I know the answer.  My mom threw me a surprise birthday party once.  There hasn't been a birthday party to top it yet.

Coming of Age for Story Time!

One of the first things I did when we moved was to find the library.  Little secret of mine, I desperately want to be a librarian.  The smell of books, new or old is heaven for me.  I remember one Christmas when I was 10 or 11 (?) my parents wrapped up a huge box of books for me.  It was so exciting to see all of those unopened covers.  So, yes I am a book worm and happy to talk about it.  A side note - of my sister not letting me read books on the bus in seventh grade will come at a later date.  So we moved, I found the library, took forever to become a legal citizen of Virginia, as a result library card!!!  The library, a beloved institution for me, drives my children a little wild.  The doors slide open, the quiet envelopes and my children erupt.  Doesn't matter which library, which state - I'm hoping it's excitement due to prospective learning.  That little bit was in case Curt actually reads this.  So after becoming library legal I discover tada - STORY TIME FOR TODDLERS!  How great is this?  Something to do in the morning before lunch with other book-loving kids!  Much to my dismay while reading this pamphlet my children explode into tears and hyperactivity.  The kind librarian points out that Sab is too old and Mia according to the new acquired library information is not old enough.  So we wait.  Wednesday was the big day!

This is what I learned as I watched Mia in my heaven for 60 minutes:

She likes to arrange library furniture.  Yet when participation is required she magically says or does the right action?!?  When they say jump, oh she does with all of her might, maybe a little too much?  She's laughing though.

When a stimulus such as musical instruments is introduced she is all for it.  Shakes the maracas like nobodies business!  But . . .Rapid stimulus introduction followed by a quick conclusion, doesn't work!

A stamp on the hand at the end, not necessary for her.  She did seem to sense this might be the end and emphatically repeated, DONE, DONE, DONE?

Will I try again?  Yes, absolutely.  Why would I do this?  Because - Sebastian just read his very first book to me all by himself!!!  Loved, loved, loved every minute of his skinny little finger pointing out each word and his mouth trying to make all the sounds of the combined letters.  I can wait for you Mia.  I've got all the time in the world.

I missed taking any pics during story time because I wasn't sure what could possibly happen.  This was taken today at the playground near our house.  Angels right?!?!

Pumpkin Patch Pickin

Mia's legs are so short.  She runs vertically and accomplishes little distance.  She was so excited to be in the patch and see the moooo cows.

She chooses not one but two pumpkins.  Too heavy and big reminder from daddy we are paying by the pound!
Now she's thinking!  Hugs her little pumpkin and licks it of course.
Happy as a clam with her little Mia size pumpkin. 


I want it all!  The soccer decal for the car, apparel with my child's photo, a dirty but loved travel mug and possibly a bull horn!  I find myself at Sab's games unable to control myself, my mouth, my need to jump up and down - it's a bad scene with Lifetime Movie written all over it.  I feel Curt shrinking in his snazzy fold up chair and Mia looking at me with wide eye wonderment.  Something about seeing the boy who stayed in my belly literally 41 weeks, kick a goal, and look at me with those big blue similar eyes, holding up a thumbs up, just kills me.  Is he headed for soccer stardom - who knows but I can't possibly be more proud of him.  I reminded him all day long much to his disguised delight and our "tablemates" chuckled at Sab's dismay and his PROUD SOCCER MOM!!  Today was a good day in my world.

*Note text color is in honor of our team color!!!!

To Be A Little Boy

Sab is six and quite fascinating to me.  He has a way of delivering words but is totally unaware of this skill.  I have accepted that he will embarrass me most days.  Often, I mention his own future children and you know what they say about payback . . .  Here are some of his latest thoughts.

Two different families that we know have had babies since we have moved.  The ladies on campus organize two weeks worth of meals for these moms as a way of helping out.  Curt was working the other day so I had to take Sab and Mia with me while I was delivering our meal.  Sab asked where are we going again?  I answered with the above spiel.  Sab said God, these women better stop having kids or we are going to go hungry.

Sab has recently discovered the term "girlfriend."  Up until this day I was his only girlfriend, even though he has to share me with his dad.  I pick him up from school the other day and he says, "Big day today mom.  I got me a girlfriend."  I ask why, who, how - devastated to learn this.  He proceeds to tell me that this girl in his class was pushed over at the playground.  Unfortunately she fell over and her pants slipped a little.  Sab helped her up and told her that she better cover up her butt crack because people were looking.  Such a smooth operator he is, she just gushed with love I guess.

While at the table the other night, he asked his dad if he could tell him something private.  Curt tried to tell him that it wasn't the time.  Many nights during the week it is a requirement for faculty to eat with the students.  Sab goes along for this adventure because he is fascinated with the older boys.  Anyway, Curt's shh wasn't enough.  Sab tells the entire table of boys, who are trying to use the proper utensil and make it through the 30 minute dinner with no incident, that a student in his class had diarrhea in her pants at the playground and had to wear "boy underwears" the rest of the day.  Curt said all sense of formality flew out the window.

I love this kid.  He doesn't always make it easy, but it is always interesting.  I can't imagine what he will be when he grows up.  This is Sab eating a hot dog at Carter Mountain Orchard in Virginia.  He wanted to know which way Pennsylvania was from the top of the mountain.

The Kindness of Others . .

When you move into an entirely different world, you cannot count on the little lady from church who knows your mom to check your library books without a card nor can you go to the "purple park" and know the exact spots of danger Mia is sure to find.  For someone such as myself who is just that stubborn, it is difficult to ask for help or admit a weakness of any kind - can't think of who I have this genetic trait from (psst Nana!).  So here we are in the Woods of Virginia, a good 40 miles away from Barnes and Noble or Mitchael's (Curt is so pleased!) - what does a mom of a toddler do?  Don't get me wrong, the campus/community of our school is very pleasant and provides many opportunities to play.  That being said it isn't enough for antsy, twitchy me, plus I miss my mom and sisters (what a baby, yes I know.).  In looking at the piles, I mean piles of welcome to Virginia literature, I discover a little group called MOPS.  No this is not a cleaning organization, thank God for that.  The letters stand for Mothers of Preschoolers.    I find that this wonderful, magnificent, estrogen filled group, will want to spend time with little old me and wild girl Mia.  The group certainly provides social opportunities, WATCHES MIA FOR FREE - GOD BLESS THOSE VOLUNTEERS, but it reminds me to be a considerate, compassionate human being.  My mom is all of those things and bent over backwards to teach her daughters to be the same way.  Don't get me wrong, she is as stubborn as a mule (I love you mom), but she is genuinely kind.  Children and dogs cannot get enough of her!!!

So this brings me to a point.  Through this amazing group of new friends I join a bible study.  While picking up my book at the selected meeting place (Chick Fil A), I see a young mom with a tike Mia's age.  I assumed she was picking up her book and find that I'm wrong.  She said they were just out for breakfast (Chick Fil A serves breakfast!), not a part of any group.  She seemed so nice and had the same kind of dazed expression I find in the mirror.  I proceed to tell her about MOPS in my rambling way.  That look I saw was similar to my own, she had just relocated from Florida.  She gathers all the information from me and the director of the group and sails off with a teething tot.  I think about her a lot in the next week because I know how much she misses home and not counting on the kindness of others.

A new week comes into view.  A tough one for me because my mom, sisters and nieces just left after a too short visit.  Playgroup with the MOPS is on the schedule.  I arrive at the spot with Mia in tow - a real trooper with all of our adventures.  Who do I see while I'm chasing Mia????  My new friend from Chick Fil A with a great big smile!  You never know when you can lend a hand.  It's nice to take advantage of the opportunity and help someone else up.

*This is Mia after our morning play date at MOPS*

This One is For the Girls . .

Seven years ago - I ran into the lovely Dianna Wise Crites.  As in the usual Dianna fashion she lays all her cards on the table.  I find out much about her ovaries and so does Curt while eating dinner!  Curt has grown to love her, not nearly as much as me!  At the time we were ready to expand our zoo but we're nervous about my possible abilities to have a litter.  She gave us the number of her OBGYN and off I went.  Needless to say we were poster children for fertility.  Many months and pounds later, I called Dianna to thank her for all the information.  She let me know of Girls Nite - a nite to eat, drink (depending on litter carrying this is what you make of it) and a way to just be with a great group of high school friends.  I was just fat - carrying Sab.  I was so huge I had rashes in my fat folds - no lie - a sickening truth.  So needless to say I was hesitant about this reunion - I'm not shallow but I have my limits.  One month to go, swollen cankles and all, I joined the group.  It became the big read star on my calendar and a sacred event in our household.  Over the years, I hosted and looked forward to it so much.  Curt became used to all the subjects we cover - sort of anyway.

This pic (all of you hate my camera, see how great this is?) is from Dianna's shower - she's pregnant with Jordan in this pic at Pam's house.  The group has grown since this pic!

Saturday was the first one I missed in a long, long time because of our move to the Woods of Virginia.  Honestly, it was three o'clock in the afternoon and I was toying with racing back to PA, dumping snickle and fritz with Nana and Pap and making it in time for Tiff to clear the spinach dip.  Needless to say, I didn't but couldn't help but think about it.  How fun is it to go and guess who is pregnant now - with 13 of us - it's never ending.  I will be so sad when all of our ovaries take a rest and springs (that was for you Miss) prevail.  How many groups are this loyal to one another and have two members producing twins - boy and girl sets to boot!

These are things I missed: Tiff's laugh, are you kidding me?  Who has a better full belly, head thrown back, laugh like Tiff?  Thus why I act like an idiot just so I can hear it.  You all just thought I was really that idiotic! I missed seeing Lesley's belly (the picture text was good though) one more time before Baby Bachman makes his/her appearance.  I missed Colleen and Tammy's stories of life on the side of single - you can't help but be a little envious right? I missed Missy's facial expressions - the puzzled one right before she makes fun of you.  I know Dianna wasn't there but I missed her big mouth (love you!) and the way the air swirls around her whirlwind and everyone is called Sister.  I missed the Zacherl sisters, but most of all I missed Anna's announcement.  I've been waiting to hear it.   - I knew it was coming.  I missed the way Pam will get so worked up with hand gestures and saying Ryan's name.  And our newest member Tricia - I missed the way she truly seems interested in your life when she talks.  Had April been there with the new babies - I would have gone off the deep end.

I'm in the boat of finding new friends, not ones to replace the old, new ones to discover and live each day with.  It's not an easy thing to find the comfort we have together.  I know on Sab's first day of Kindergarten, I said a million times, just be nice, introduce yourself, ask to join in - you'll have plenty of friends.  Swallowing your own medicine is rough.

So to the wonderful group referred to as Girls Nite - I miss you like crazy.  Thank you for everything - the fun, from breastfeeding tips, to play dates, to 3rd grade Sunday School (Tiff), to rent-a-cop police car rides - I thank you.

The Power of a Pink Sparkle

Mia has many ungirly-girly like qualities.  She often is gooey.  Gooey as in various particles are in her little chubby neck and hands.  You can bathe Mia and five minutes later she looks like a street urchin.  She loves to make food paste and spread it in her hair so that the front sticks to her forehead.  At the end of the day her brother often tells her that she smells and he's not far off, plus he is unbelievably honest.  We love Mia and I thank God for her every single day. 

She does have two girly qualities that I truly adore.  She loves shoes and it's not my imagination.  She can spend a good hour in my closet or "the family shoe closet" trying on various shoes.  Often she will wear her shoe on her right foot but leave the left foot bare to try on other people's shoes.  This was a little embarrassing for me at the pool this year because she was quick to swipe shoes of others - perfect strangers really.  So we went to Walmart the other day to buy new shoes; she goes through them with amazing speed.  I saw this pink sparkly pair and she immediately said pwetty and niiiiice.

I noticed after we brought the shoes home, Mia started her own athletic commercial.  She spent 30 minutes in the driveway trying to jump, hop, anything to get off the ground.  Maybe it's the new version of Air Jordans?  She would giggle and grunt, but never left the ground.  New shoes couldn't help her little chubby legs up.  Shortly after we went to Sab's soccer practice.  This photo is of her kicked back in a play car at the playground by the field.  After spending a lot of time in this car, she headed to the slide.  Down she goes head first on her belly.  I consider myself laid back, but this was heart attack inducing.  I scooped her up at the bottom and as clear as a bell, she said FUN.  Much, much later in the day she discovered walking backwards, unfortunately she is about as graceful as her mother.  All of these events added up to an early bed time.

She loves shoes, especially these pink sparkly ones.  They rarely leave her feet and look abused after less than a week.  I love my wild woman.  Next time I'll talk about her love of purses  . .  sigh.

Sab's First Day of Kindergarten

Anyone who knows our family understands and even at times appreciates the world of Sebastian.  His frustration ever since he was an infant is that the world does not move fast enough.  Curt and I laugh (we can now) about bouncing Sab all over our yard after he was born singing various songs in order to stop his crying and find peace.  I often chose the song with the lyrics Sugar Pie Honey Bunch (thus the name of our site); Curt would favor patriotic hymns and Ozzy Osborne.  He claims he knows no other lyrics to any other songs!  Long story short, we are exhausted from entertaining Sab.  He's never learned to play by himself, shame on us, therefore we are camp directors who are aging rapidly.  I honestly thought that Sab's first day would leave me singing in the aisles and drinking tropical drinks with umbrellas.  Nope, not the case.

I awoke at 4 a.m. with tears and many doubts.  How would he react?  What would I do if he clung to me?  Would he hate it?  Would other kids abuse him because we are not from Virginia thus no accent (no Southern accent anyway)?  The list goes on and on.

Curt finds me at Sab's bedroom taking a pic of the outside.  Of course he is curious as to why I would do such a thing.  If you think about it, even though he was sleeping, it was his very last second of "babyhood".  This day forward, he would have more mature worries - doing well in school, making friends, trying new things, bullies, on and on . . . Curt was tempted to call the resident psychologist but there was no time.  My sister texted and demanded that I get a hold of myself.  Life goes on . . I woke him up and welcomed him to his first day of Kindergarten.  He smiled and sprang out of his bed.

Don't get me wrong on the way there (yes, I drive, not because I'm a hover parent our bus does not pick up here) he asked several times if it was absolutely necessary to go to school.  I answered yes, it's time buddy.  I find out much later from his teacher that Sab was able to comfort another child who had cried all morning.  This child came to life from his offer of friendship.  Wow, life is truly full of surprise!