The Power of a Pink Sparkle

Mia has many ungirly-girly like qualities.  She often is gooey.  Gooey as in various particles are in her little chubby neck and hands.  You can bathe Mia and five minutes later she looks like a street urchin.  She loves to make food paste and spread it in her hair so that the front sticks to her forehead.  At the end of the day her brother often tells her that she smells and he's not far off, plus he is unbelievably honest.  We love Mia and I thank God for her every single day. 

She does have two girly qualities that I truly adore.  She loves shoes and it's not my imagination.  She can spend a good hour in my closet or "the family shoe closet" trying on various shoes.  Often she will wear her shoe on her right foot but leave the left foot bare to try on other people's shoes.  This was a little embarrassing for me at the pool this year because she was quick to swipe shoes of others - perfect strangers really.  So we went to Walmart the other day to buy new shoes; she goes through them with amazing speed.  I saw this pink sparkly pair and she immediately said pwetty and niiiiice.

I noticed after we brought the shoes home, Mia started her own athletic commercial.  She spent 30 minutes in the driveway trying to jump, hop, anything to get off the ground.  Maybe it's the new version of Air Jordans?  She would giggle and grunt, but never left the ground.  New shoes couldn't help her little chubby legs up.  Shortly after we went to Sab's soccer practice.  This photo is of her kicked back in a play car at the playground by the field.  After spending a lot of time in this car, she headed to the slide.  Down she goes head first on her belly.  I consider myself laid back, but this was heart attack inducing.  I scooped her up at the bottom and as clear as a bell, she said FUN.  Much, much later in the day she discovered walking backwards, unfortunately she is about as graceful as her mother.  All of these events added up to an early bed time.

She loves shoes, especially these pink sparkly ones.  They rarely leave her feet and look abused after less than a week.  I love my wild woman.  Next time I'll talk about her love of purses  . .  sigh.

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