A Year In Review

This is Sab on his very first day of kindergarten.  If you remember I was outside his bedroom door taking pictures of his last moments of "babyhood" - much to Curt's dismay!

Here he is on the very last day of Kindergarten.
This is what he learned:
He can read!!!  No longer can Curt and I spell-talk while he's in the room.  This is a big deal for us so we've moved to Pig Latin. 
He discovered girls aren't so icky, especially if they bring him candy.
He knows how to buy his lunch and con his friend Trevor out of his cheetos.
He understands the concept of homework and has no idea what's in store for him!
He can add and "take away" like a champ.  His teacher said he loves to learn about money, no kidding!
He fell in love with June B. Jones, she would be perfect for him!
He has bagged the idea of being a fireman after guidance class!
He learned to help others - the social cue thing is taking a while.  His asked another little boy today how he could possibly still cry on the last day of school, when was this going to end - mothers must hate us!
He learned the pleasure of recess and made many friends in maintenance after kicking all his balls on the roof.
He learned the magic of a prize box and what he needed to do to get in there.

So today I picked him up as well as our carpool buddy.  I still breathe a sigh of relief when I see him in the carpool lane!  We are having a pizza party to celebrate his first grade status.  He thinks we are kidding when we tell him kindergarten is over.  God bless his teacher!

Call Me Sweetheart

It's 9:10 p.m. and BOTH kids have been in bed since 8:30.  Given the opportunity my children would never go to bed, it's a waste of time in their lives.

Take Sab for instance.  Rarely sleeps past 6:30 a.m. this includes periods of sickness too.  Went t:o school, came home around 3:30, swam from 4 to 6, ate dinner, played football on the grass with the "big boys", did homework, the day goes on . . . Curt has duty tonight otherwise I would have added golfed 3 to 6 holes with his dad.  How can he not fall into bed?  Just writing this now, I want to lie down!

Mia is a little more laid back but her day is just as full.  Today we did the Richmond Children's Museum.  Curt's golf cart battery and I had a small accident so I had to drive to Richmond for a repair.  This story will not make the blog.

The museum turned out really well for Mia.  She was fascinated.  I do not think she is pondering the DNA of the white cow and the red female cow at this moment but she had a good time.  And in her small squeaky voice she thanked me a million times.  An employee of the museum stopped to talk to Mia while we sat in front of the turtle cage (asking the turtle if it was hungry), she happened to call Mia sweetheart.  Mia, who talks to herself ALL the time has been calling herself sweetheart.  If I tease her about it, she says stop it Mom.  Curt and I just had a conversation about how nice it will be when we can go to dinner and not entertain the kids or worry about them exploding or imploding or rushing and having heartburn as a result.  But, I will be devastated to see Mia pass this age.  She is so curious and will randomly kiss my leg or my hand for no reason.  Her teen years  . . .  ugh.  So just remind me of this post!  I will be half senile after seeing Sab through his teen years.  Can you imagine?