Coming of Age for Story Time!

One of the first things I did when we moved was to find the library.  Little secret of mine, I desperately want to be a librarian.  The smell of books, new or old is heaven for me.  I remember one Christmas when I was 10 or 11 (?) my parents wrapped up a huge box of books for me.  It was so exciting to see all of those unopened covers.  So, yes I am a book worm and happy to talk about it.  A side note - of my sister not letting me read books on the bus in seventh grade will come at a later date.  So we moved, I found the library, took forever to become a legal citizen of Virginia, as a result library card!!!  The library, a beloved institution for me, drives my children a little wild.  The doors slide open, the quiet envelopes and my children erupt.  Doesn't matter which library, which state - I'm hoping it's excitement due to prospective learning.  That little bit was in case Curt actually reads this.  So after becoming library legal I discover tada - STORY TIME FOR TODDLERS!  How great is this?  Something to do in the morning before lunch with other book-loving kids!  Much to my dismay while reading this pamphlet my children explode into tears and hyperactivity.  The kind librarian points out that Sab is too old and Mia according to the new acquired library information is not old enough.  So we wait.  Wednesday was the big day!

This is what I learned as I watched Mia in my heaven for 60 minutes:

She likes to arrange library furniture.  Yet when participation is required she magically says or does the right action?!?  When they say jump, oh she does with all of her might, maybe a little too much?  She's laughing though.

When a stimulus such as musical instruments is introduced she is all for it.  Shakes the maracas like nobodies business!  But . . .Rapid stimulus introduction followed by a quick conclusion, doesn't work!

A stamp on the hand at the end, not necessary for her.  She did seem to sense this might be the end and emphatically repeated, DONE, DONE, DONE?

Will I try again?  Yes, absolutely.  Why would I do this?  Because - Sebastian just read his very first book to me all by himself!!!  Loved, loved, loved every minute of his skinny little finger pointing out each word and his mouth trying to make all the sounds of the combined letters.  I can wait for you Mia.  I've got all the time in the world.

I missed taking any pics during story time because I wasn't sure what could possibly happen.  This was taken today at the playground near our house.  Angels right?!?!

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